We bet big in Vegas for the second annual Medicarians Conference. This year’s conversation was broadened again – this time to include the future of health and wealth. It was an enriching two days of content, connection, and conversation.
We interviewed a number of leaders on the show floor and pulled together the conversations into this insightful and informative podcast. Listen along as the themes of technology-assisted realities, human relationships, and innovation emerge.
Share your thoughts and comments with us at www.primelifepodcast.com and subscribe to our weekly release! It’s your time, make it count!
Episode Guests:
Audrey Villeneuve, IFC National Marketing
Chris Carothers, Carothers Insurance
David Tedrow, Senior Health Insurance Brokers, LLC
Jeff Cline, 1-800-Medigap
Greg Good, nSightful
Cathy Fan, Nassau Financial Group
Andrew Saksa, Reminder Media
George Dippel, Deft Research
Feargal Duignan, PacSana
Tanya Vece, ArchWell Health
Mark Kleiner, US Health Source
Brian Weeden, Gateway Senior Solutions, LLC
Mustafa Dinani, Navierre
Alex Marr, AgentSync
Aaron Davis and Susan Plumer, ConnectureDRX